Support Us
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, TW Quarter Circle Ranch Ministries relies heavily on volunteers and donations for its financial stability. Unless otherwise specified, all donations are applied to the ministry's general operating fund.
Monetary Gifts
In this difficult economy, your financial assistance is particularly valuable and appreciated. If you, your church, or other groups would like to assist us financially, please send your tax-deductible gift to our mailing address in Travelers Rest. If you prefer, you may donate securely through PayPal by clicking the Donate button on the right. PayPal collects a small fee for this service. Either way, you may request that your gift be used for a specific need (for instance: feed, farrier fees, safety helmets, etc.).

Donate Supplies
We accept donations of supplies and equipment, new or used (in good condition, please). Find our most urgent needs on our Wish List. We are also willing to consider donations of well-trained, reliable, and sound lesson horses.
TW Quarter Circle Ranch Ministries could not exist without the generous contribution of time and energy from our volunteers, or "wranglers." As a ministry, we seek strong Bible-believing Christian leaders who can minister effectively to others. Many activities require good horsemanship skills, but there are plenty of "non-horse" needs as well. Explore some of the volunteer opportunities available at TWQC. If you would like to join the hands-on part of our ministry, please request a volunteer application.

Sponsor a Horse
Our horses are an indispensable but costly aspect of our ministry. Feed, farrier, boarding, vet, and various other bills require regular attention. Always wanted a horse but have no place to keep one? Consider sponsoring one of our horses for full or partial care. You will receive a portrait and biography of the horse of your choice, as well as periodic updates from the horse about its latest activities.You are also welcome to come to the ranch to visit your adopted horse (by appointment only). Riding privileges are not included, although you may pay for a lesson or a trail ride separately.
Prayer Support
Our primary source of support and encouragement comes from fellow believers who pray faithfully for our ministry. We request your prayers for us as we seek the Lord's guidance in all that we do at TWQC. If you would like to receive our monthly emailed prayer letters, please contact us. You may also read previous prayer letters in our prayer letters archive.