Ministry Training
One of our primary goals at TWQC is to help other believers develop godly character and Christian leadership skills. The HORSE Program furthers this aspect of our ministry.
About the Participants
Program Objectives
Getting Involved
What is the HORSE Program?
- Helping
- Others
- Realize
- Spiritual
- Excellence
The HORSE Program is a Christian training program that follows the principles set forth in Ephesians 1:15-23. It provides the atmosphere, opportunity, and encouragement to become grounded in the Word of God, the love of Christ, and the foundational principles and practice of Christianity. This discipleship emphasis provides a unique hands-on, life-learning experience facilitating the development of godly character, personal discipline, and life habits necessary in effective Christian leaders. Although the vehicle is the equestrian ministry at TWQC, the purpose and training principles are universal.
The goal of HORSE is not only that participants themselves grow in spiritual maturity, but also that they will in turn encourage Christlikeness, or "spiritual excellence," in others through personal evangelism and discipleship.
Who participates in this program?
The HORSE Program is designed for individuals who are committed to building Christlike character in their lives and to sharing Christ with others. It also focuses heavily on those who are seriously considering or are open to a life of Christian service. Primarily, it involves two major groups at TWQC: wranglers and apprentices.
Wranglers are volunteers who have been placed in varying roles of responsibility and leadership at the ranch. Although there is no age requirement, the majority are high school and college students. Most follow careers other than equestrian ministries, but they take with them principles learned through ranch ministry.
Apprentices come as students to train for equestrian ministries. They commit to a one- or two-year intensive program that prepares them for work in equestrian ministries and Christian camps. Currently, our apprenticeship program is still in the developmental stages, but it will include courses such as theology, counseling, equine management, business, horse training, and much more.
HORSE Program Objectives
- To build and to clarify scriptural convictions
- Convictions are inward commitments manifested by outward confidence, strength of character, and clarity of purpose. HORSE focuses on eight universal, non-optional Biblical principles which comprise the basis for fruitful Christian living: faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.
- To perfect ministry-related skills
- Skills result from the development of those abilities that complement the message of the Christian life. Each participant has the opportunity to develop not only the practical skills of a camp ministry, but also the intangible skills of clear communication, responsible leadership, and effective counseling.
- To apply Biblical principles in interpersonal relationships
- Interpersonal relationships are the most effective measurement of a Christian's spiritual commitment and convictions. Each participant learns how to view interpersonal relationships from a Scriptural standpoint as well as how to resolve conflicts and maintain good relationships.
- To understand and apply the qualities of a servant-leader
- Leadership is a responsibility give to individuals who effectively motivate others toward spiritual maturity. Participants have opportunities to develop character qualities necessary for effective leadership and to practice leadership skills.
- To focus on character development as a lifelong goal
- Vision is a singleness of purpose enabling a Christlike response. Believing character and integrity to be foundational to spiritual maturity, each participant has opportunity to develop areas of Christlike character, including gratitude, thoroughness, humility, responsibility, endurance, sincerity, wisdom, and courage.
Practical Application of Program Objectives
- Demonstrating Biblical principles through everyday situations
- At TWQC, horses are ideal teaching tools because: (1) they respond to attitudes and character, allowing an opportunity to see the inner self; (2) they require balanced discipline, illustrating the need for Biblical discipline without harm to persons; (3) they must be taught to yield daily to the trainer's control, as Christians must yield daily to God's control.
- Practicing accountability
- Periodic evaluations by ranch staff reveal areas of strength and weakness, encouraging habits of spiritual discipline and initiative.
- Accountability structures, such as student-to-mentor or student-to-student, help participants develop relationships that will both support them and challenge them in areas of spiritual maturity.
- Acquiring various ministry skills
- Application of theory to practice: From soulwinning to ranch work, participants have the opportunity to apply Biblical principles to daily activities.
- Camp ministry work: Participants have the opportunity to experience the hectic seasonal schedule and intense Biblical training present in a Christian camp ministry. A camp environment is an ideal leadership training ground because it calls for (1) a consistent Christian lifestyle; (2) the use of every opportunity to share Biblical principles in daily situations; and (3) the planned involvement of others in the Christian lifestyle through every program.
- Continued learning: Participants may attend additional training seminars focusing on Christian growth and leadership. They may also opt for training in camping skills and teaching certification with programs such as First Aid, CPR, CHA certification, etc.
- To understand and apply the qualities of a servant-leader
- Leadership is a responsibility give to individuals who effectively motivate others toward spiritual maturity. Participants have opportunities to develop character qualities necessary for effective leadership and to practice leadership skills.
- To focus on character development as a lifelong goal
- Vision is a singleness of purpose enabling a Christlike response. Believing character and integrity to be foundational to spiritual maturity, each participant has opportunity to develop areas of Christlike character, including gratitude, thoroughness, humility, responsibility, endurance, sincerity, wisdom, and courage.
How can I become involved in this program?
If you would like to join HORSE as a wrangler or apprentice, you must first submit a preliminary volunteer application. After reviewing the application, we will contact you regarding the next steps to take. We work with each applicant individually to ensure the compatibility of our respective ministry goals and to determine a course of action leading to their mutual realization. Each applicant should review our Statement of Faith before applying.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions regarding this aspect of our ministry.