Summer Camps

Looking for some summer excitement?
Come to a week of our horsemanship day camps!
2025 Schedule
Camps run from May 27 to July 4.
For more information, see the Camp Brochure.
Who can come
Riders of all ages and experience levels are welcome at horse camp.
Wrangler Training Camp
The initial week of camp is set aside for wrangler training. Wranglers are volunteers who have been placed in varying levels of responsibility, from ranch hands to camp counselors. This one-week intensive training course focuses on advanced horsemanship and ranch skills, teamwork, evangelism and discipleship training, and personal spiritual growth. Most wranglers who attend this training have also committed to serving as part-time or full-time summer camp staff.
Only current volunteers may apply for Wrangler Week. If you are interested in volunteering at TWQC, please contact us for a volunteer application.
What to expect
For every camp, horsemanship activities are tailored to meet each camper's level of comfort, experience, and abilities. The camp is hands-on and practical. Campers will ride every day. In-depth training is interspersed with gamesand all of it is fun! In addition to group activities, all campers will work one-on-one with trained staff and wranglers to ensure that their individual needs are met.
Christian principles are taught throughout the week during chapels and regular training. Working with horses is a wonderful picture of the Lord working in our lives. Camp counselors are always available to answer questions and to assist campers with any spiritual concerns.
Camp Activities
You will learn some of the horsemanship skills below in any combination, based on your level of comfort, experience, and ability. We plan each week's activities according to the skill levels of the campers. To request training in a specific skill(s), please contact us to discuss the options.
- The "Western Experience"
- Nature of the horse
- Horsemanship basics, including:
- Safety for rider, horse, tack
- Parts of horse, tack
- Care of horse, tack, rider
- Haltering, saddling, bridling
- Hooves: picking up, cleaning
- Grooming
- Mounting/dismounting
- Riding basics: stop, go, turn, back, etc.
- Balance
- Gaining respect from your horse
- Videos on specialty skills/safety
- Sitting the seat in all gaits (basic)
- Identifying and executing leads (basic)
- Side-stepping
- Emergency dismounts
- Handling an out-of-control horse
- Problem-solving
- Round pen techniques
- Natural horsemanship
- Showmanship
- Western pleasure
- Western horsemanship
- Trail Class
- Reining
- Judging techniques
- Speed event training
- Barrel racing
- Pole bending
- Ranch work
- Cutting
- Roping
- Bareback riding
- Horse training
- Horse conformation
- Horse massage
- Teamwork

All campers must follow dress guidelines:
- Proper riding boots are mandatory.
- Riding helmets are required for campers under 18. If you do not own a helmet, we have a limited number available for rental or purchase.
- Please wear modest jeans and a sleeved top (not sleeveless). Western attire is encouraged. Each camper is provided one camp t-shirt; additional camp t-shirts are available for purchase.
In addition, please bring the following supplies:
- Bible (KJV)
- Water bottle (water is always provided)
- Snacks/lunch
- Sun screen (recommended)
- Hat (recommended)
- Insect repellant (recommended)
If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact us.