Two Dot

Registered name: Hotters Calypso Doll (APHA #633,777)
Born: May 19, 2001
Height/weight: 15.2 hands, 1250 lbs.
Color/markings: Bay Tobiano
Bloodlines in pedigree:
- Hard Twist: Earned a AAA rating and a racing Register of Merit. He made an amazing comeback at the age of 8, setting track records. 1946 World Champion Quarter Running Stallion and 1951 Co-World Champion Quarter Running Stallion
- Peter McCue: Considered to be one of the truly foundation sires of the American Quarter Horse, known for his blazing speed
- Skipper W: Foundation quarter horse
Bio: Two Dot was named after the town in Montana, as well as for the two perfectly round dots on his right shoulder. His flashy colors often attracted a lot of attention! Today, he is taking good care of his new young owner as they begin their barrel racing career together.