
Registered name: Pocos Trouble (APHA #671,835)
Born: March 28, 2000
Height/weight: 14.1 hands, 1050 lbs.
Color/markings: Bay Overo. Blaze, almost bald face with a partial blue right eye. White splashes on torso and small spots on neck. Very unique whorls on neck and body.
Bloodlines in pedigree:
- Poco Bueno (1944): AQHA Champion; AQHA Hall of Fame; first quarter horse to be insured for $100,000.00
Bio: Coming originally from Oklahoma, Patriot is a very sweet mannered horse that was green broke as a colt, but then turned out to pasture for many years. He was later purchased by ranch student Johnny Beasley ("JB") who rode him for several years. Patriot now has a new home where he is used for roping and working cows.
Patriot was named by former owner "JB." This name seems appropriate as JB was born and raised in the military. He served in the USAF as a Combat Security Police Sgt. in Vietnam as well as on the US Air Force Honor Guard. He comes from a long line of relatives who have served in the military, even as far back as being a descendant of Dicey Langston Springfield, a Revolutionary War heroine.